Administrative and Regulatory Law

We advise on Administrative and Regulatory Law, on issues related to the different procedures that are followed before State entities and companies for the purposes of recognizing rights, obtaining permits, authorizations and licenses, among others; as well as challenge procedures, where applicable, pertaining to INDECOPI (National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property Protection), DIGEMID, (General Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs) OSITRAN (Supervisory Body of Investment in Public Transport Infrastructure) and OSINERGMIN (Supervising Entity for Investment in Energy and Mining), among others.

Our Firm is recognized for providing advice on sanctioning procedures in defense of the interests of our clients. We have a team specialized in Administrative and Regulatory Law, which has obtained recognized results in defense of our clients.

We also advise companies on procedures to eliminate bureaucratic barriers for the development of their economic activities.

We also provide advice to entities on regulatory matters, in the management of their contractual and administrative relationships with multiple government sectors, as well as in the crafting of regulatory projects.

Always after confirmation of the absence of conflicts of interest, we also advise different entities of the Peruvian State, such as PROINVERSIÓN (Private Investment Promotion State Agency); Ministry of Energy and Mines; Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, among others.
